Vegas, Life, World and Covenant.

... we can see his hand crafting connections behind the scenes. Nothing in the modern life encourages us to see the invisible links binding together all of life. We have no sense that we live in the presence of a loving Father and are accountable for all we do. The marketing slogan of Las Vegas - "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" - describes how our secular world views life. You can come to Vegas, have sex anonymously, and return home to your spouse as if nothing happened. There is no link between Vegas and the rest of your life. You have unlimited freedom to pursue feeling good about yourself.

Baloney. This is my Fathers World! Everything you do in Vegas is connected to the rest of your life. Everything you do is connected to who you are as a person and, in turn, creates the person you are becoming. Everything you do affects those who love you. All of life is covenant!

- Excerpt from A Praying Life - Paul Miller.