Words that pack a punch ...
CJ Mahaney
- “If you want to feel deeply, you need to be willing to think deeply.”
Simone Weil
- “All sins are attempts to fill voids.”
Ravi Zacharias
- “The truly alive person is the truly spiritual person. The nurture of the spirit ought to be a priority in our lives.”
Samuel Chadwick
- "Satan dreads nothing but prayer. His one concern is to keep the saints from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, he mocks our wisdom, but he trembles when we pray."
From Rasselas, by Samuel Johnson
The first years of man must make provision for the last. He that never thinks never can be wise. Perpetual levity must end in ignorance; and intemperance, though it may fire the spirits for an hour, will make life short or miserable. Let us consider that youth is of no long duration, and that in maturer age, when the enchantments of fancy shall cease, and phantoms of delight dance no more about us, we shall have no comforts but the esteem of wise men, and the means of doing good. Let us, therefore, stop, while to stop is in our power: let us live as men who are sometime to grow old.
Robert Murray M'Cheyne, quoted by Andrew Bonar in Robert Murray M'Cheyne
“I am persuaded that I shall obtain the highest amount of present happiness, I shall do most for God’s glory and the good of man, and I shall have the fullest reward in eternity, by maintaining a conscience always washed in Christ’s blood, by being filled with the Holy Spirit at all times, and by attaining the most entire likeness to Christ in mind, will, and heart, that it is possible for a redeemed sinner to attain to in this world.”