Books Read


01/20/13 - Tempted and Tried - Russell Moore 
02/22/13 - Crazy Love - Francis Chan (Kindle)

... Books on the horizon ...
- Gospel and Personal Evangelism - Mark Dever.
- Keeping the Heart - John Flavel
- The Trellis and the Vine - Marshall & Payne
- Biblical Eldership - Alexander Strauch
- How should we then live? - Francis A, Schaeffer
Gospel Powered Parenting - William Farley


01/05/12 - The Kingdom of Auschwitz - Otto Friedrich (Holocaust)
01/18/12 - Lit! - Tony Reinke
01/20/12 - The Happiness of Heaven - Maurice Roberts
01/22/12 - Moments of Reprieve - Primo Levi (Holocaust)
??/??/12 God's Big picture - Tracing the story line of the bible - Vaughan Roberts
??/??/12 - Trusting God - Jerry Bridges
12/??/12 - What is the Mission of the Church - Kevin DeYoung & Greg Gilbert
-- Dropped updating this (someday will) --


01/04/11 - What is the Gospel? - Greg Gilbert 
01/05/11 - Tuck Everlasting - Natalie Babbitt
01/09/11 - Night - Elie Wiesel (Holocaust)
01/27/11 - Addictions - A Banquet in the Grave - Edward T. Welch
04/04/11 - The Last Men's book you'll ever need - David Moore
08/08/11 - Knowing God - J. I. Packer
08/29/11 - Leepike Ridge - N.D. Wilson
09/01/11 - Hardy Boys - Hidden Harbor Mystery - Franklin W Dixon
09/15/11 - When People are Big and God is Small - Edward T Welch
10/01/11 - Crazy Busy - Edward M. Hallowell (audio book)
10/06/11 - Still bored in a Culture of Entertainment - Richard Winter
10/12/11 - The Dip - Seth Godin (audio book)
10/15/11 - Finally Alive - John Piper
11/02/11 - A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23 - Phillip Keller
11/11/11 - God is the Gospel - John Piper
11/30/11 - The God Who Is There - D.A. Carson
12/15/11 - Work Matters - Tom Nelson


01/13/10 - Right from Wrong - Josh McDowell
02/09/10 - Counterfeit Gods - Tim Keller
03/02/10 - Disciplines of a Godly Man - Kent Hughes
03/06/10 - Who is Jesus - R.C. Sproul
03/09/10 - Can I Trust the Bible? - R.C. Sproul
03/17/10 - Does Prayer Change Things? - R.C. Sproul
03/18/10 - (With Danny) Dinosaurs Before Dark - Mary Pope Osborn
03/23/10 - Can I know God's Will? - R.C. Sproul
03/25/10 - The Mark of the Christian - Francis Schaeffer (Audio Book)
03/29/10 - How Should I Live in this World? - R.C. Sproul
03/30/10 - The Invisible Man - H.G. Wells (Kindle Book)
04/13/10 - Idlewild - Nick Sagan (SciFi Novel)
04/15/10 - John Calvin and His Passion for the Majesty of God - John Piper
04/17/10 - Pastor Dad - Mark Driscoll
04/26/10 - Porn-Again Christian - Mark Driscoll
06/03/10 - Just Do Something - Kevin DeYoung
06/09/10 - Read Any Good Books? - Sinclair Ferguson
07/18/10 - The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment - Tim Challies
08/19/10 - Dug Down Deep - Joshua Harris
08/28/10 - Games Indians Play - V. Raghunathan (
09/22/10 - A Praying Life - Paul Miller
09/30/10 - The Duties of Parents - J.C. Ryle
10/05/10 - Running Blind - Lee Child (Suspense Thriller)
10/11/10 - Out of the Silent Planet - C.S. Lewis
10/15/10 - Rules of Prey - John Sandford (Mystery Thriller)
10/19/10 - The Two Minute Rule - Robert Crais (Mystery Thriller)
10/24/10 - Term Limits - Vince Flynn (Political Thriller)
11/14/10 - The Monkeys Raincoat - Robert Crais (Mystery Thriller)
11/18/10 - Gone - Lisa Gardner (Mystery Thriller)
11/22/10 - Prey - Michael Crichton (Science Fiction Thriller)
11/29/10 - Voodoo River - Robert Crais (Mystery Thriller)
12/08/10 - All That Remains - Patricia Cornwell (Mystery Thriller)
12/13/10 - Broken Prey - John Sandford (Mystery Thriller)
12/29/10 - The Seventh Million (The Israelis and the Holocaust) - Tom Segev
12/31/10 - The First Rule - Robert Crais (Mystery Thriller)


05/18/09 - Sex is not the Problem (Lust is) - Joshua Harris
04/22/09 - Worldliness - Edited by C. J. Mahaney
03/31/09 - Humility - C. J. Mahaney


12/01/08 - The Voice of Authority - Dianna Booher
11/20/08 - Be a 24/7 Christian - Wade Akins
01/30/08 - The Complete Idiots Guide to Playing Drums - Michael Miller
01/01/08 - Sex and the Supremacy of Christ - John Piper


12/31/07 - Recapture the Wonder (Experiencing God's Amazing Promise of Childlike Joy) - Ravi Zacharias
10/22/07 - The Legacy of Sovereign grace (God's triumphant grace in the lives of Augustine, Luther and Calvin) - John Piper
10/15/07 - Every Child is a winner (Developing Confidence that Lasts a Lifetime) - Caz McCaslin
09/04/07 - Dangerous duty of Delight (The Glorified God and the Satisfied Soul) - John Piper
07/30/07 - Your God is too small - J.B. Philips
07/15/07 - How to be filled with the Holy Spirit - A.W. Tozer
07/05/07 - Overload Syndrome (Learning to live within your limits) - Richard A Swenson.
07/02/07 - Point Man (How a man can lead his family) - Steve Farrar.
06/05/07 - Shepherding a Child's Heart - Tedd Tripp.
03/03/07 - The Automatic Millionaire - David Bach.
01/31/07 - The Relaxation Response - Herbert Benson.
01/15/07 - Keep your Brain alive (83 neurobic exercises) - Katz & Rubin.


08/16/06 - Enjoying your walk with God - Steve Douglass.
08/07/06 - The great Physicians Rx for Diabetes - Jordan Rubin.


12/28/05 - The Great Divorce - C.S. Lewis
01/25/05 - Ordering your private world - Gordon MacDonald.


??/??/03 - On becoming Baby Wise - Gary Ezzo & Robert Buckman.


03/02/02 - Amusing Ourselves to Death - Neil Postman


03/26/01 - 401(k) Take charge of your future - Eric Schurenberg
02/19/01 - The coming economic earthquake - Larry Burkett.
02/06/01 - Millionaire - Wayne Wagner & Al Winnikoff (re-read 01/03/05)

The twentieth century

10/24/99 - Gleanings from William Gurnall - Soli Deo Gloria publications

02/21/99 - Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis.
08/05/99 - Why I am still a Christian - Hans Kung.
07/24/99 - Brother Andrew (Men of Faith) - Dan Wooding.

11/30/98 - C.S. Lewis (Men of Faith) - Catherine Swift.
01/29/98 - Reese Howells Intercessor - Norman Grubb.

08/14/97 - A pilgrim who made progress - William Deal.
01/02/97 - Martin Luther (Men of Faith) - Mike Fearson.

12/13/96 - Of God and Men - A.W. Tozer. (re-read 10/01/97)
11/29/96 - The Intimate Marriage - R.C. Sproul.
06/28/96 - More than a carpenter - Josh McDowell

This post will be edited every time I read a book or remember a book I have read.

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Recapture the Wonder

Wonder is that possession of the mind that enchants the emotions while never surrendering reason.

- Gods commands are there to protect what life is truly about, not the other way around. Implementing that truth in our lives keeps us from losing the wonder.
- The first chronological destroyer of wonder is anything that takes away the legitimate mystery of life and of living.
- To seek wonder in sexual enjoyment apart from its sacredness is to plunder ones own body. To seek wonder through sexual fantasies is to destroy the wonder of sex itself. To do it God's way is wonder-full and lasting.
- There is no wonder locked up in wealth. The one possessing the wealth must know its real value if the possession is to bring wonder.
- When you entrust Him with your life, He generates the wonder.

Components of Wonder
  • Profound Gratitude. Benjamin Franklin said, "To the generous mind the heaviest debt is that of gratitude, when it is not in our power to repay it."
  • Truth that compels the mind. The world of a child may delight in the fantastic, but the world of an adult must move from what is merely fantastic to that which is fantastically true.
  • Love - Understand and Experience. (Love is the condition of the heart that "pumps" emotional intelligence through the blood vessels of life's daily encounters)
  • True Believing in the gift of God's love and of His Son to us, more than as just an intellectual assent.
  • A convinced sense of security, both in being able to accept yourself as you are and in having confidence that God has conquered not only life but also death.
Looking - There is a world of difference between looking at something and looking through something. We make the same colossal mistake with God's Word and the gift of print. We have books all around us. We stack them on our shelves. Yet He has revealed Himself in His Word and we let it lie unstudied, unread, and sometimes untouched. We look at it. We hardly ever look through it.

Reading - Stop. Ponder. Reason. What do we read? Is your own reading shallow or deep? The wonder that you find in the shallow end can only be for a child. Swimming in the deep is for the mature. If wonder is to be retained in our mind, reading and reading well is indispensable to the imagination and the heart. Good reading is like looking for something you have lost and finding it, but in the search finding something else that had also been lost. That is how wonder is constantly replenished.

Thinking - How to remain fresh in ones thinking? - I know of no better answer than to be in regular times of solitude and quietness before our Lord. Thinking is a dying discipline in a society that throbs with activity. Wonder is retained by wise pondering. Unless we learn to think and reflect on things above we will reflect the hollowness of a world moving fast but slow to think. Over the last few years I have made it a practice to rise early and go down to a room alone. I pace the floor, I kneel, I read ... only to listen. Wonder enriches you when you take the time to reflect and to ponder the greatness of our faith in Jesus Christ.

Talking (discussion) - F.W. Boreham said, "It puts iron into the blood to spend time with one for whom the claim of conscience is supreme and who loves the truth of God with so deathless an affection." Only noble themes life the spirit to heights of grandeur and the heights of the mind can never be exhausted.

Prayer - I do not believe that wonder can be retained apart from learning the discipline and delight of prayer. In the secret place lie unmined treasures. It is here that we win or lose. The discipline of praying is the seedbed of retaining wonder.

God is like the light. Wonder is like the shadow. If you chase the shadow you will never catch up to it. If you walk toward the light, the shadow will always pursue you. Keep your sights on Him. Spread the wonder.

- Notes gleaned from Recapture the Wonder by Ravi Zacharias.

Biblical Manhood

1 Kings 2:2-3 - "I am going the way of all the earth Be strong, therefore, and show yourself a man. "Keep the charge of the LORD your God, to walk in His ways, to keep His statutes, His commandments, His ordinances, and His testimonies, according to what is written in the Law of Moses, that you may succeed in all that you do and wherever you turn ..”

Basic 3 Charges as Men - Leading - Providing - Protecting

Being Masculine
- Do the Hardest thing first (Do NOT cultivate passivity)
- Make the hard phone call first.
- Run to the battle. (Conflict is a regular feature of the Christian life)
- Do your work now! (Do NOT procrastinate)
- Keep your Domain in order. (Everything around you)
- Kill a Bear or a Lion. (Recognize the challenges God puts in your life. Face it)

Nine Areas that Men should initiate in their home.
- Vision – This where we need to be.
- Direction – This is how we will get there. Have a plan. Map it out.
- Instruction – Let me show you how.
- Initiation – Watch Me. Lead by Example. (This is the heart of Leadership)
- Inspiration – Maintain Good Morale. Be Great & thankful overall.
- Affirmation – Encourage/tell each individual, you are doing great.
- Evaluation – How are we doing?
- Correction – Make the change.
- Protection and Provision – I’ll take care of you.

Notes from the HPBC Men's retreat - 3/16/07 – 3/17/07
Speaker: Dr. Randy Stinson - The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (
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