Some from the past ...
(April 2009)
- My middle name is "Kookintow".
- To Mom - "I love you so much. As a flower".
- Eating at the dining table, "Dad, why don't bikes have seat belts?"
- Mom is surfing the net. Danny comes over and asks, "Mom, are you going dot com on me?"
- Early in the morning Danny comes over to Mom in bed and asks, "Wanna wake up Sweety?"
- Danny - "Mom why are you vegetarian? Is it because someone killed the goat?" Mom - "Yes". Danny - "But we didn't kill the goat, Daddy didn't kill the goat, its already dead."
- Mom's eating a boiled egg and Danny goes - "Mom you are eating a baby chicken!".
- Early in the morning - Mom encourages him to brush his teeth, "Danny you need to keep your teeth white, you need to brush". Danny - "Why do teeth have to be white? I want black teeth!"
- (Jan 2009) - Out of the blue in the car, "Who is older than God?"
- (Jan 2009) - Dan had to stop playing his DS to go to the potty. Sitting on the potty eager to get back to his game, he asks me, "Dad, why did God have to make butts?"
- (Dec 2008) - During Christmas on finding out that we were celebrating the birth of Jesus -"How old is Jesus?"
- (Nov 2008) - Mom making conversation, "Do you play with girls at the daycare? If you do, be nice to girls, they are gentle. Be nice to Brooke, she is just like Sarah baby." After a pause, Danny says, "Yes, she is like Sarah baby." Mom, "Why re?". Danny - "She shows her butt."
- (Sept 2007) - Writing A-Z, small a-o, numbers 1-30, learning to add.
- (Sept 2007) - His first awana class was Sept 9th and he cried entire time. Mom asked him why he cried after the class and he replied - "I was sad and my heart was broken for you!"
- (Sept 2007) - Mom complained of headache and he immediately started pressing her head. Mom said, "God bless you re" and he retorts, "... and also save me from hell!".
- (Sept 10th, 2007) - Mom was troubling him and he responds "Don't irritate me mom".
- (Aug 2007) - Told Anil - "Tell your coworkers you are naked". We were surprised by the use of the word "coworkers".
- (Aug 2007) Before we went to sleep, he said "I like mom better than you dad" but was sorry that he was hurting Anil by saying that.
- (Sep 20th, 2006) - Writes from A-L.
Favorite song: My Savior, My God - Aaron Shust.
Favorite food: Noodles made by Anil
Favorite shirt: Superman shirts
Troubles: Eating omelet in the mornings gets pinched and raises BP for both of us.
Calls Mom: Sweety pie.
- (2005) - Mom was narrating the story of Adam and Eve, talked about them being banished from the Garden of Eden after they sinned. After some thought he asks, "Mom, did God gave Adam and Eve a timeout?"
- (about year and a half old) - We passed by a farm everyday on the way to his daycare. One day he saw a cow going poo poo out in the field. He thoughtfully said, "Mom, the Moo Moo needs a diaper."
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