The moment Jesus was on the cross, the sin of the world was imputed to Him as it was to the scapegoat. He became the incarnation of sin, the absolute paragon of obscenity.
Once sin was concentrated on Jesus, God cursed Him. When the curse of the law was poured out on Jesus, He experienced pain that had never been experienced in the annals of history. I have heard of graphic sermons about the excruciating pain of the nails in the hands, of hanging on a cross, and of the torturous dimensions of crucifixion. I am sure that they are all accurate and that it was a dreadful way to be executed, but thousands of people in world history have undergone the excruciating pain of crucifixion. Only one man has ever felt the pain of the fullness of the unmitigated curse of God upon Him. When he felt it, He cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34). Some say that he did to quote Psalm 22. Others say He was disoriented by His pain and didn't understand what was happening. God certainly did forsake Him. That is the whole point of the atonement. Without forsakenness, there is no curse. God at that moment in space and time, turned His back on His Son.
In the midst of His forsakenness, I doubt He was even aware of the nails in His hands or the thorns in His brow. He was cut off from the Father.
- Excerpt from Who is Jesus - by R.C. Sproul.
The God Who Is Unfathomably Wise (Ps. 1)
6 hours ago
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