He knows me. She knows me.

If anyone other than the divine knows your ins and outs better, it is your spouse. My wife, she knows me well, sees the changes in me and has the loving will to remind me to be a better person. She bought me a book and wrote the words below on the inside cover of the book. The book? Amusing ourselves to Death - by Neil Postman. This letter also reminds me of how far I had drifted from the things of God and the desire to seek his will. Praise God! Its Him who is the author and finisher of our faith!

Dear Anil,

I earnestly and strongly (if I may add) want you to read this book, this month. Please understand that I am not giving you this book because you are seeing TV. I heard pastors message and he recommending reading and has also mentioned how good this book is. I know in my heart that God gave you a brilliant mind. According to me you are real capable of becoming a theologian/philosopher/author and it hurts me to see you not reading any books. Like pastor says I don't want you to be an intellectual/spiritual pygmy. In our first years I used to admire your habit of reading. I wish and pray that God renews your desire. This is just an attempt of mine to get you started again. Maybe its the small step towards you writing books someday :), but not my desire but His will be done.

"The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
    and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
    and give you peace."
- Numbers 6:24-26

with lots of love, your wife,

My God surely knows me! My dear wife knows me too!
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